Pueblo Sin Fronteras is a trans-border organization made up of human rights defenders of diverse nationalities and immigration statuses that promotes accompaniment, humanitarian assistance, leadership development, recognition of human rights, and coordination of know-your-rights training along migrant routes, as well as monitoring and raising awareness of human rights abuses against migrants and refugees in Mexico and the United States. Our accompaniment does not end at the border, it continues in the immigration detention centers of the United States and the communities in Mexico and the US.

Our dream is to build solidarity bridges among peoples and turndown border walls imposed by greed.

Building our Dream Migrant House Campaign

Somos Pueblo Sin Fronteras - un grupo colectivo de defensores de los derechos humanos de los migrantes, y les hacemos la invitación a qué se unan a la campaña de recaudación de fondos para así poder comprar el terreno donde se encuentra nuestra Casa del Migrante en Caborca, Sonora, México! 🙏 Queremos tener un espacio digno para comer, bañarnos y descansar. 🙏Así podríamos seguir con la lucha derrumbando fronteras apoyando a nuestros hermanos y hermanas porque la vida es un triunfo de equipo nadie lo logra solo. 🤝 ✊ 

We are Pueblo Sin Fronteras - an immigrant rights and solidarity collective, and we invite you to join our fundraising campaign to be able to buy the land upon which sits our Casa del Migrante shelter in Caborca, Sonora, México! 🙏We would like have a dignifying place where to eat, shower, and rest. 🙏This will allow us to continue the fight of breaking down borders and continuing to support our migrant brothers and sisters because we only triumph as a team and not alone. 🤝 ✊


Nuestra Casa Es Tú Casa

Pedro Remains in Mexico in Danger Waiting for Asylum

On January 29th, 2019, a cruel Trump policy known as "Remain in Mexico" or MPP began. Pedro is one of tens of thousands of people whose lives are still in danger due to that policy, which the Biden-Harris administration has yet to fully end. Pedro is asking that he and all the people impacted by this and other policies be allowed to seek asylum safely and freely within the United States.

Kataleya's Story

Kataleya is a transgender woman who fled Honduras in search of refuge. Throughout her time in Mexico she has faced persecution and violence. When she asked the US for asylum, the US closed the door on her, forcing her to sign up on a waitlist that clearly violates the right to seek asylum and leaving her no option but to keep waiting in Tijuana. She has been trapped here for two years and is calling on the US to end this injustice and let her seek asylum safely in the US.

LGBTQ+ people are 97 times more likely to be victimized within detention than other detainees, according to a 2017 Center for American Progress analysis.


Quinto Sol Wellness